What a year…

squad2teeWLWow! It’s hard to believe that it’s been a YEAR since my last post. To say a lot has happened in that time would be a massive understatement.

While Murphy has been hard at work reminding me that his “law” still has a personal and very real vendetta against me (oh Murphy, stalkers are never appreciated) I can honestly say that God has been true to his word to, “work all things together for my good.”

So while I battle in my health daily, a battle that has made it extremely difficult to segue back into traditional full time employment, I have wanted for nothing this entire time.

The health battle that I am currently fighting is the worst kind – it attacks you on the mental as well as physical fronts.  The cure is often worse than the malady. And I’m not currently insured so traditional health care is out.  BUT. GOD.

Through it all God has been my rock and my strength, providing through family, friends and supernatural means. He has opened doors that are normally shut and closed those that would cause the most hassle. He has sheltered me during the worst and reminded me to be grateful for the most minute details of life that I didn’t notice when everything was “normal”.

And finally, He has empowered me to get down to finishing what I started.

So, despite my battle I am happy to say that FINALLY, Waivering Lies (kindle version) will be released on July 17, 2018.

My publisher, Midwest Creations Publishing is excited.  I am excited.  And the Waiver-ites (yeah, that’s new – I  just coined that phrase lol) are excited!

As you all probably know, Denise Ferry, AKA Balboa is the heroine in this book.  She’s a fighter. And just a little bit evil lol.  Put simply, I love her to pieces! And writing her story has been the most fun I’ve had in a long time.  Check out the back of the book on the BOOKS page and don’t hesitate to tell me what you think.

OH! And for those Waiver-ites that have read Brainwaiver Beginnings – guess who makes a cameo in Waivering Lies – good ole Marsh (grin).  You’ll be seeing more of him later also.

Keep tabs on the EVENTS page for upcoming information regarding the E-release party for WL.  It’s gonna be rife with door prizes, give-aways and fun fun fun!

Until that happy day,  Sayonara my good friends. Happy reading and as always, stay blessed.

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